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  • Writer's pictureAjarn Mieder

Why should educational technology matter in teaching and learning in the 21st century?

by Mieder van Loggerenberg

A simple answer to a complicated question – the concept of Moore's Law! If technology is advancing periodically then why would education not evolve at the same pace. Education is not static in any shape or form, and for any educator not to change with the times will not only decrease your effectiveness as a teacher but stunt the growth of your students.

According to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), most high-demand jobs were only created in the last decade. As we all know, technology and innovation are the driving force behind globalization and we as teachers are responsible for preparing our students for this highly advanced, technological world.

The COVID-19 pandemic was an eye-opener for most of us, especially teachers and students. It showed us why technology should be integrated into existing curricula. With the increased use of digital learning tools, it can give easier and anytime, anywhere, access to educational resources. So, students are no longer limited to a classroom and study at their own pace and also become autonomous learners. These platforms can simplify a topic by making theories or concepts more digestible through a myriad of instructional methods that caters to different learning styles like instructional videos, interactive media, podcasts, to mention a few. It can increase student engagement in traditional classes by providing a more interesting and visually stimulating environment. Help teachers to better track, report, document, manage general administration and delivery of lessons or educational courses. Which in turn will facilitate personalized learning and increase the effectiveness of the learning process.

Furthermore, students can now gain both experience and qualifications through online platforms that are provided by schools, learning centers, universities, or MOOC. Working professionals can also further their education by studying remotely without giving up their jobs to attend a course or university. Education has become accessible to everyone regardless of age, gender, sect, race or even your socioeconomic status.

So, why should technology and innovation in education matter in teaching and learning in the 21st century? Technology is no longer a choice; it is a necessity. By refusing to accept or change with the times, you as a teacher will not only have a negative effect on your life and professional career it will have an adverse effect on your students’ future career opportunities.

In conclusion, instead of denouncing technology and innovation as a distraction for our students, teachers should realize that it plays an integral part of all our lives and we should make it work to our advantage.

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