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  • Writer's pictureAjarn Mieder

What will the next teaching model for technology look like?

by Mieder van Loggerenberg

First, what is a teaching model? This model is basically a type of plan used for constructing the curricula, designing the instructional content and a guide for instructions in a classroom. This simply means that a model of teaching is an instructional design that describes the process and sets the format of the learning environment that delegates how students interact so as to promote change to his or her behavior and reach specific objectives. They are designed for specific purposes namely - teaching concepts, ways of thinking, and social values by prompting engagement in both cognitive and social activities. The characteristics of a teaching model consists of:

- Promoting thinking.

- Promoting the art of teaching.

- Promoting individuality based on interests.

- Promoting a positive learning environment and active participation.

- Developing qualitative and fundamental abilities and social competency.

- Formulating philosophies.

- Answering essential questions pertaining to the behavior of students and teachers.

- Adopting teaching principles and using effective and appropriate learning strategies.

The modern teaching models consist of 23 models and are categorized into four basic groups which are designed to serve a particular purpose, namely:

1. Information processing models

2. Personal models

3. Social interaction models and

4. Behavior modification models.

With our current teaching models, the emphasis is put on the overall development of our students. So, how will technology change this? It is not that the models will change but instead evolve into a more efficient learning process with the same objectives still in place. Technology will provide both teachers and students with new and more effective tools. The real change is the tools we use in teaching our students.

The year 2020 was a preview of what education is evolving into. The majority of students will pursue online courses or degree programmes. Education will be a conglomerate of a global institute that will have little to no limitations like most of our current educational systems have. This in turn will see the decrease of teachers in the field and an increase in tech savvy educators, administrator for marketing human resources, financing, legal and IT professionals. The focus of educators will be on content development and the delivery of lessons on an online platform. The expansion of brick-and-mortar facilities will stagnate and eventually decrease. The changes to physical environment will bring on some changes to how we design the teaching model, where the changes are not so much on the objectives and outcome but rather in dealing with the issues that arouse from this change in environment.

The biggest factors that will present complications to future teaching models will be personal, social interaction and behavioral issues. This can prompt a decline in social skills and more emphasis will be placed on these models.

Personal models assist the student’s development of selfhood and emotions and social interaction models emphasizes on building relationships. In combinations they are essential to function effectively in society. The behavior modification model is a practice of using corrective teaching based on feedback of student’s performance to assist them in reaching the learning objectives. All three of these models are based on students being in a classroom setting where they can interact and practice socializing. This, however, will change as we move over to a virtual or digital learning environment. In so with the lack of social stimulation, a demand for developing these skills will increase.

In conclusion, the next evolution in our teaching models will remain the same but the emphasis on social interaction will play an important part in developing fully functional, psychologically healthy students.

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