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  • Writer's pictureAjarn Mieder

The Benefits of encouraging classroom participation

Updated: Jun 29, 2021

by Mieder van Loggerenberg

Participation is one of the most effective classroom strategies a teacher can use – it’s simple in nature, usually easy to implement, an expected activity, and contributes to reaching most learning goals. But, when it comes to online teaching, participation can become quite challenging. However, if and when you can get students to actively participate it can have numerous benefits for them, namely:

Participation engages students

When students are asked the right questions, it can pique their interest, get them to think, ponder and so motivating them to find the connection between topics and the content. Asking questions can magnify the importance of analyzing and thinking critically even more so when the topics are relevant to the students.

Participation adds interest

Nobody wants to hear the teacher rambling on and on, when students are given the opportunity to participate it can pique their interest and hear different perspectives or viewpoints.

Participation provides feedback

Both teachers and students can get feedback. Teachers can assess students understanding of the topic when they answer questions. It also gives the teacher the opportunity to measure their progress. In turn students can identify important topics especially when a teacher emphasizes and discuss those topics.

Participation can be a classroom management tool

Randomly choosing students to participate in an activity can ensure students are more focused since they are aware that they can be asked a question at any moment. This can prevent students from slacking off especially when learning online and they are tempted to use social media. Furthermore, teachers also use random selection to get the whole class to participate instead of only a few that always do.

Participation encourages speaking

Students can be asked to comment on what another student said. In turn, these dialogues can help develop their speaking skills. This serves as a great platform to practice their communication skill like vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and even learning the nuances of tones and stressing.

Participation promotes preparation

When students know they have to participate in a lesson they tend to be more prepared so that they can communicate effectively.

People are social creatures, and it only seems natural to participate. As teacher it is important to set a platform where students feel comfortable to speak, to share, to discuss and express themselves. Students want to be heard, they want to be acknowledged and they want to feel that their opinion matters.

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