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  • Writer's pictureAjarn Mieder

The ABC Technique

by Mieder van Loggerenberg

Overcoming Pessimistic Thinking

Reflection is an important self-management tool but what exactly is reflection? It is simply to think about something in a focused way, with the intention of making connections, exploring options, and developing new or alternative concepts and ideas. Don’t confuse reflection with daydreaming. Reflection is purposeful where you direct your thoughts and implement intellectual development.

The ABC Method of Self-Management is a unique process to help you work through difficult situations and achieve positive results. This process involves using critical thinking, visualization, and reflection skills to find positive and optimistic solutions.

Researchers believe that by having a positive and optimistic thought process, it can improve your skills to cope better with challenging situations which in turn can minimize the effects of stress and improve your overall health.

So, what does it mean to be a pessimist? Well, it is basically a person that can filter out all the positive in a situation and only focus on one bad thing. They tend to play the blame game when things don’t work out, either thinking they are at fault or always pointing the finger at someone else. Pessimists tend to anticipate the worst and either see that things are either good or bad with no middle ground. But the worst habit they have is to constantly complain, criticize and always have an excuse not to do something. This doesn’t mean there is no hope for having negative thoughts it is just becoming aware of these negative thought patterns that are keeping you from achieving your goals. This is where the ABC method can help you manage your thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

A = Actual event:

State the actual situation that affected your emotions.

“I have a final exam next week and I still haven’t read all the chapters.”

B = Beliefs:

Describe your thoughts and beliefs about the situation that created these emotions and behavior.

“What if I don’t pass the exam? Why can’t I remember the information? My classmates are a lot smarter than me. Maybe I should just drop out.”

C = Challenge:

Dispute the negative thoughts and replace them with accurate and positive statements.

“Passing this exam is difficult but I have passed all the other exams before. I know how to overcome and manage stressful situations. I know that when I am overwhelmed the best thing to do is to break down big jobs into small tasks. I am smart and I have the necessary skills to pass this exam. Studying for this exam is a good investment that will help further my education and career. I will pass. I will be successful.”

It is vital to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive thinking. Disputing negative thoughts is also a good way to build self-confidence. Focusing on the problem is the first step and it is where most people get stuck, but to ensure a positive outcome you need to change your mindset and explore your options to find solutions.

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