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  • Writer's pictureAjarn Mieder

The benefits of Technology in Teaching and Learning

Updated: Jun 9, 2021

by Mieder van Loggerenberg

Comparing the classroom today to just a few years ago there has been significant changes in how teachers teach and how students learn. With the implementation of 21st century teaching strategies, educators have become experts in various technologies using a kaleidoscope of platforms, software, and online applications. However, for those that are unwilling or resistant to integrate technology into their classroom their lessons will simply become ineffective and outdated.

Now that technology is an expected requirement to master for both teachers and students, we can see a big contrast in how teaching and learning have changed. So just how has technology changed the face of the classroom?

1. Lesson preparation

With multifaceted software, teachers can prepare a more interactive, multimedia-rich, visual and audio rich lessons with easily accessible assessments and assignments that can be delivered on multiple platforms both in and out of the classroom.

2. Universal access and interactivity

Lessons can be presented, and students can interact and observe through various platforms and devices with full accessibility to interact, communicate, and download any type of content like pictures, videos, audio files, textbooks, and documents.

3. Better collaboration

Technology offers more flexibility on all aspects of teaching and learning which facilitates collaborative learning both in and outside the classroom. It also empowers teachers and students to have more control over their learning and thus encourage better student-participation.

4. Streamlining assessment

Technology does not only enhance but also improves accuracy with assessments. It can also help teachers to give real-time feedback to students which helps the teacher to determine the comprehension level of students and to help teachers take immediate action. In turn it increases comprehension, retention and alleviate stress for students and teachers alike.

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