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  • Writer's pictureAjarn Mieder

How does Motion Media affect students’ learning development

by Mieder van Loggerenberg

Motion media is simply video format. This format is available on various different media types and platforms from cd’s, DVD’s, thumb drives and now mostly online platforms on almost all social media platforms like, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram just to name a few.

Video or motion media is the most used format compared to any other media especially for 21st century education. We use this technology not to only inform but also to entertain and for this reason motion media has proven to be the most effective learning tool in education.

But why is that? Why does videos offer a more inclusive learning experience? Videos are like mini movies, it offers both visual and audio stimuli and since our brains are hardwired to interpret visual images it has a greater impact on both our short-term and long-term memory, which means we retain the information better and longer. Hence making motion media a perfect tool for educating.

Furthermore, it serves as a tool to engage students or immerse them into a topic presented which in turn can promote better participation and encourage and motivate the learning process. So, why does motion media play such an important role in 21st century learning? The skills we acquire for 21st century learning is done through motion media. If we take a platform like YouTube, it can offer all the aspects, we need to develop these skills.

Lastly, most of my lessons will have some form of motion media implemented into the lesson. It does not only serve as entertainment, but it can actually help my students to become autonomous learners. They can redo, or simply review the content at their own convenience which greatly reduces the stress factor for those who struggle or have learning difficulties. There is of course a downside, where students can be tempted to focus only on the entertainment part but with well-planned lessons, strict time frames and interesting lessons, motion media will be the most powerful tool for any educator.

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